Baptist Church
Our Ministries
The Bethlehem Baptist church family feels that God has called us to strive to be a community church, open to all followers of Christ.

Children's Ministry
(K-6th Grade)

The purpose of our Children's Ministry is to assist the home in laying a firm foundation in Christ upon which a child will grow and, with God's help, build life. In addition to Sunday School and Children's Church, we meet Sunday Nights from 4:45-6:30 pm where we offer Children's Choir throughout the school year and, in the summer a weekly Kid's FUN SUMMER.

Student Ministry
(7th - 12th Grade)
Our youth age students meet every Sunday for Sunday School, Sunday nights from 5:00 - 7:00 pm, and Wednesday Nights from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. We have Bible study for all and are committed to students first Knowing Christ & Reflecting Christ.

Women's Ministry
Our W.M.U. is a ministry that leads people of all ages to pray for missions, learn about missions, give to missions, and do missions. Our mission group, Missions from the Heart, meets at 6:00pm the second Monday of each month.
Senior Adult Ministry
We have a very active and lively Senior Adult group. They meet once a month for breakfast and make several day trips and overnight trips throughout the year.
Music Ministry
The Music Ministry at Bethlehem Baptist Church is a fundamental part of who we are. We believe that worship is an active experience, which involves each person who is in attendance. As Christians we should offer God praise, exalt Him, honor Him, and glorify Him.
We strive to do these through the music in each of our services. Worship experiences include congregational singing, choir anthems, and other special music all in a variety of musical styles.
God has gifted us with talents and a vital part of honoring Him is using those talents for His glory. Bethlehem has been blessed with an abundance of talent and it is our desire to provide opportunities for our people share them during our worship times.
Our prayer is that God would use music to reach the hearts of individuals just as he does through His spoken word.

Our Daily Bread
On Monday afternoons from 3 pm -5 pm, except for holidays, any resident from Kings Mountain or Grover can come to our office to receive a bag of groceries, a listening ear, and prayer. This ministry is staffed by our wonderful volunteers, and we are partners with Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina.